How to convert MS Office 2010 docx to tga in batches

The format of MS Office Word 2010 is DOCX, it is because since MS Office Word 2007 has been designed, the format of DOCX has been the official format of the editions of MS Word after Word 2007, so of course, DOCX is also the format of Word 2010. And if you are interested in how to convert Office 2007 docx to tga in batches, please follow me. 🙂

Install DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

DOC to Any Converter Command Line is our converter in this article for the conversion from docx to tga in batches. DOC to Any Converter Command Line not only help you with the single process, but also offer you the function of the batch conversion during one process. Besides, this powerful tool supports editing the objective options flexibly. And before you install it on your pc, you may need to obtain it via this link:, click this link to save its program, then release the program of DOC to Any Converter Command Line to your computer, then to install DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please follow the wizard after you double-click the program of “doc2any.exe” in the folder of “doc2any_cmd”.

Launch the command prompt window:

Two ways to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  • click “start”>select “Run” to run the dialog box “Run”>type “cmd” in it and click “ok”
  • click “Windows+R”>input “cmd.exe” in the dialog box of “Run”>click “ok”

Input the command lines in the command prompt window:

  1. “doc2any.exe  d:\input\*.docx  E:\output\*.tga”
  2. “doc2any.exe  -width 898 –rotate 180  d:\input\*.docx  E:\output\*.tga”


doc2any.exe” stands for the path of “doc2any.exe”; “d:\input\*.docx” is the path of all docx files in “input” folder; “E:\output\*.tga” is the targeting path, where users can customize the destination folder and the targeting file type; “-width 898” and “–rotate 180” is to set the objective width as 898 and rotate the page of tga by 180 degree, which are the parameters for DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

The knack to process the batch conversion is to set “*” as the file names, which is very easy to operate, and this can guarantee all the docx files in “input” folder can be processed into the tga files one time, which can be added into the folder “output” together. When you have spare time to experience it, it is enough to change the paths and the parameters without any changes in the sequence and the format.

By now, it is ended to convert MS Office 2010 docx to tga---MS Office 2007 docx to tga in batches. More parameters for this conversion, please log on the main page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line to get them at this link:, where the information of DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be displayed. Thank you for your reading!

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