XFA Specification
Chapter 23, FormCalc Specification
Grammar and Syntax
'for' Assignment 'downto' Accessor ('step' SimpleExpression)
'do' ExpressionList 'endfor'
49 ForeachExpression ::=
'foreach' Identifier 'in' '(' ArgumentList ')'
'do' ExpressionList 'endfor'
50 BlockExpression ::= 'do' ExpressionList 'end'
51 ContinueExpression ::= 'continue'
52 BreakExpression ::= 'break'
53 ParameterList
54 DeclarationExpression ::=
'var' Variable |
'var' Variable '=' SimpleExpression |
Identifier '(' ParameterList ')' do ExpressionList 'EndFunc'
55 AssignmentExpression ::= Accessor '=' SimpleExpression
56 FunctionCall ::= Function '(' ( ArgumentList )
57 Function ::= Identifier
58 Accessor ::= Container | Accessor [ '.' '..' '.#' ] Container
59 Container ::= Identifier | Identifier ' [' '*' ']'
| Identifier '[' SimpleExpression ']'
| MethodCall
60 ContainerList ::= Container (',' Container)
61 MethodCall ::= Method '(' ( ArgumentList )
62 Method ::= Identifier
63 ArgumentList ::= SimpleExpression (',' SimpleExpression )
Basic Expressions
Expressions Lists
64 FormCalculation ::= ExpressionList
65 ExpressionList ::= Expression | ExpressionList Expression
A FormCalculation
is a list of expressions. Under normal circumstances, each Expression
evaluates to a
value, and the value of an ExpressionsList
is the value of the last expression in the list.
The following FormCalculation evaluates to 50:
5 + Abs(Price)
"Hello World"
10 * 3 + 5 * 4
After the above expression list is evaluated, the value of the associated field is 50.
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