XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
The connect child
An element that describes the relationship between its containing object and a connection to a web
service, schema, or data description.
Connections are defined outside the template in a separate packet with its own schema. See the
Connection Set Specification
for more information.
For more information see "The
connect element".
The contentArea child
An element that describes a region within a page area eligible for receiving content.
For more information see "The
contentArea element".
The corner child
element that describes the appearance of a vertex between two
For more information see "The
corner element".
The date child
element that describes a single unit of data content representing a date.
For more information see "The
date element".
The dateTime child
element that describes a single unit of data content representing a date and time value.
For more information see "The
dateTime element".
The dateTimeEdit child
user interface
element describing a widget intended to aid in the selection of date and/or time.
For more information see "The
dateTimeEdit element".
The decimal child
content type
element that describes a single unit of data content representing a number with a fixed
number of digits after the decimal.
For more information see "The
decimal element".
The defaultUi child
An element for widgets whose depiction is delegated to the XFA application.
For more information see "The
defaultUi element".
The desc child
An element to hold human-readable metadata.
For more information see "The
desc element".
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