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Convert Flash to Image via Command Line

Flash to Image Converter Command Line is a tool designed for running in MS-DOS mode. It is for converting frames of Adobe Shockwave Flash (SWF) videos to images via command line.

Executable file and all components are packed in one single package, and the application is instantly runnable after unpack the package.


Here is a simple guide about how to use Flash to Image Converter Command Line.


Firstly, please download and unpack the application package into your computer disk. In this case, the application is stored in "E:\swf2img_cmd".

Secondly, open a MS-DOS command prompt window in your Microsoft Windows System. You can follow these steps to open a MS-DOS command prompt window, [start] [Run] input "cmd" press [OK]. For easy use, you can set the default current directory to the one, "E:\swf2img_cmd", where the application is saved, and copy your source flash files into the directory.

Thirdly, use commands to run the application. A simple command line for converting frames of a SWF to PNG images.
>swf2img.exe -in a.swf -out b.png .


The command line calls "swf2img.exe" and converts frames of "a.swf" to PNG images. The converted images are saved with the name specified by option "-out", followed with increasing continuous numbers and target extension. In this guide example, the SWF file has seven frames which are converted to sever PNG images saved with names "10001.png, 10002.png… 10007.png". The following figure is a snapshot of the MS-DOS command prompt window.

Command Prompt Interface fro Converting SWF to PNG
Command Prompt Interface fro Converting SWF to PNG
  • -in: specify input SWF file name
  • -out: specify output image file name
  • -width and –height: set the width and height of converted image
  • -timer: set the capture interval of conversion, in unit of millisecond
  • -hidewindow: hide the progress dialog during conversion
  • -$: register the application with a registration key

For more information, you can just type the command "swf2img" without any option in the MS-DOS command prompt interface.

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Flash to Image Converter Command Line
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