XFA Specification
New XFA Template Features
Speech order prioritized, version 2.1
The speech order for a field may be re-prioritized.
Localization and Picture Clauses
Data Localization
Locale Set, an XML grammar for representing localization information, version 2.1
The Locale Set contains locale-specific data used in localization and canonicalization. Such data includes
picture clauses for representing dates, times, numbers, and currency. It also contains the localized names
of items that appear in dates, times and currencies, such as the names of months and the names of the
days of the week. It also contains mapping rules that allow picture clauses to be converted into a localized
string that can be used in UI captions and prompts.
Data Picture Transform (template and config), version 2.1
It is now possible to specify a bind picture clause for converting incoming localized data into canonical
format and outgoing data back into localized format. Such a picture clause would target a known data
format. For example, a picture clause transform could strip the currency symbol from certain incoming
data (leaving a pure number suitable for manipulation by scripts) and insert the currency symbol into the
corresponding outgoing data. See
“Localization and Canonicalization” on page 140
for more information.
The config grammar may now specify a picture clause to use in localizing data. Such a picture would
override the template-provided data picture clause described in the previous paragraph. A
config-provided data picture clause may be useful in providing a picture clause specific for the data,
especially when the format may not be known at the time the XFA template is created. It is also overrides
template-provided picture clauses, in resolving canonicalization/localization when multiple XFA fields
provide conflicting bind picture clauses for the same data.
See “Transforms” on page 364.
Default output format reflects locale, version 2.2
The date/time/number fields that omit a format picture clause are displayed in a locale-sensitive manner.
Previously, such un-pictured field values were displayed in canonical format.
This change does not alter the behavior for data-binding or other data transfer specification. That is, a bind
element that does not enclose a picture element still consumes and produces data in a canonical format
only. And placing a picture element within a bind will result in the data being formatted and parsed based
on the locale.
See “Rule 4, Output Formatting When Output Picture Clause Omitted” on page 149.
Picture Clause Expressions
Generic pre-defined picture clauses, version 2.4
Picture clause syntax is extended to allow templates to invoke a predefined picture format (such as
) which adapts to the particular locale automatically. These picture clauses are defined in the
Locale Set and can be altered by the form creator.
See “Predefined Picture Clauses” on page 906.
New picture symbol "8", version 2.4
Anew numeric picture symbol is defined for pictures that always retain the supplied precision of the data.
See “Numeric Pictures” on page 926.
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