History of Changes in This Specification
This chapter describes the changes made to the XFA syntax and XFA processing rules since version 2.0.
New Object Models
The following Data Object Models (DOMs) were added after version 2.0.
Data Object Models
Connection Set DOM added, version 2.1
The Connection Set DOM holds information concerning web services. This information is required in order
to use web services. The Connection Set DOM is serialized as XML in a new section of the XDP.
Connection Data DOM added, version 2.1.
The Connection Data DOM is a temporary buffer used to hold data that is about to be sent to a host or has
just been received from a host. While there the data can be inspected and modified by scripts. The
Connection Data DOM is only serialized in free-standing messages to the host, never as part of an XDP.
Data Description DOM added, version 2.1.
The Data Description DOM holds a description of the structure (schema) for the data. This information is
optional. Furthermore, scripts and supplied data are not constrained by the data description. However if
the data description is supplied, and the supplied data conforms to it, then the XFA processor will ensure
that any changes it makes to the Data DOM during data binding conform to the supplied schema.This
DOM is serialized as XML in a new section of the XDP.
Layout DOM added, version 2.1
The Layout DOM holds the mapping of logical form features - blocks of text, images, and so on - to pages
and regions of pages. This DOM is never serialized to XDP.
Special Object Models
Special Object Models, version 2.1
Several special objects are mentioned in this document. These objects play a role in Scripting Object
Model expressions, which may in turn appear as the values of XFA template attributes. These special
objects include $event, $host, $layout, $log, and $vars. These objects and their properties and methods
are described in
Adobe XML Form Object Model Reference
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