XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
The placement property
Specifies the placement of the caption.
The caption is located to the left of the content in a rectangular region that spans the height of the
margined nominal extent.
The caption is located to the right of the content in a rectangular region that spans the height of
the margined nominal extent.
The caption is located above the content in a rectangular region that spans the width of the
margined nominal extent.
The caption is located below the content in a rectangular region that spans the width of the
margined nominal extent.
The caption appears inline with, and prior to, the text content.
The presence property
Visibility control.
Make it visible.
Make it transparent. Although invisible it still takes up space.
Hide it. It is not displayed and does not take up space.
The reserve property
A measurement value that specifies the height or width of the caption.
The effect of this property is determined by the
property. When the caption is placed at the
left or right the
property specifies the width of the caption region. When the caption is placed at
the top or bottom the
property specifies the height. When the caption is placed inline the
property is ignored.
There is no meaningful default for this attribute. Rather, if this attribute is not supplied the height or width
(as appropriate) is determined by the content of the caption and text auto-wrapping does not occur.
The use property
Invokes another object in the same document as a prototype for this object. The content of this property is
either a SOM expression (which cannot start with '#') or a '#' character followed by an XML ID.
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