XFA Specification
Chapter 7, Layout for Growable Objects
Flowing Layout for Containers
most split lines would cut through characters of text. The multiline block of text can only split at discrete
locations that fall between the lines of text. Some other objects (such as images) cannot split at all. The
details of where and how various objects can split are described below.
Split Restrictions
Splitting is always forbidden within top and bottom margins. In addition, some types of content can not
be split. The restrictions applying to different types of content follow.
No split is allowed.
Geometric figure
No split is allowed.
No split is allowed.
Text includes anything consisting of printable characters and (optionally) formatting information.
Hence it includes the content of numeric fields and of date, time, and date-time fields as well as
text fields. Editable fields may take on a different appearance temporarily while they have the
focus. For example, a date field may appear as a calendar widget with clickable dates. Layout is not
concerned with this temporary appearance. Layout deals only with the non-focus appearance,
which is also the appearance in non-interactive contexts such as when the form is printed on
Variable text (i.e. text residing in the
Data DOM) is splittable below any line,
at the position of the lowest descender
from the line. In the figure at right, the
dashed lines represent possible split
points between lines.
Text within rotated containers cannot
be split.
To be or not to be; that is the
question. Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind to bear the slings
and arrows of outrageous
fortune, or take up arms
against a sea of troubles
Split lines within text
Widgets include buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, choice lists, and signature widgets. Widgets
may take on a different appearance temporarily while they have the focus. Layout is only
concerned with the non-focus appearance, which is also the appearance in non-interactive
contexts such as when a form is printed on paper. No split of the non-focus appearance of a
widget is allowed.
In addition to the above inherent constraints, an explicit constraint may be placed upon an individual
subform restricting when it can split. A subform object possesses a
property. The
property has
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