PostScript to PDF Converter

After convert postscript file to PDF file, why I can NOT convert PDF file to text file?

Dear sir/madam

I want to purchase the VeryDOC PS2PDF SDK but I have a problem.

The purpose I need to convert the PS to PDF is to search for texts in the file I already have another SDK for this operation that I purchased from another company.

My problem is that when I did the test on the evaluation DLL  without the license code I got the warning "this file was created using verypdf…." On the PDF I don't care about the text added, but when I read the other texts from the PDF I don't receive anything, its like the warning you add goes on top of all other texts and I can search for the original texts in the PDF.

Is there a temporary license code you can send me for the DLL that will do the conversion for a limited amount of time so I can test functionality of text searching in the PDF after conversion and then if it is working then I will purchase the SDK

Please replay quickly, it is quite urgent as I am testing other PS2PDF SDK tools simultaneously.
Thanks for your message, is your PS file contain Type3 or custom-build encoding fonts? If yes, you will unable to search or extract text contents from output PDF file, because Type3 font is not the REAL characters, they are just character outlines.

However, you can use VeryPDF PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line application to convert non-searchable PDF file to plain text file, you can download the free trial version of VeryPDF PDF to Text OCR Converter Command Line from following web page first,

after you download it and unzip it to a folder, you can run following command line to convert your PDF file to text file,

pdf2txtocr.exe -ocr D:\temp\test.pdf D:\temp\output.txt

above command line will able to convert any type of PDF files to plain text files, you can reuse output text files easily.


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DOC to Any Converter

Problems using the DOC to Any Converter Command Line Server License

I recently purchased the DOC to Any Converter Command Line Server License and installed it on a server to run with a system we have. Although the DOC to Any Converter is performing a reasonable job at converting simple MS Word document to PDF, on more complicated documents containing tables, and page size changes, entire pages of documents go missing. For example, please see the attached files – one is the original Word document, and one is the pdf conversion. If you look at pages 9/10, most of the table has gone missing in the pdf version.

Please can you advise me if I need to adjust the settings on the DOC to Any Converter Command Line tool to get a better conversion experience? Or can you tell me if there is something that the MS Word document authors need to avoid in formatting their documents not to get this problem?

Thanks for your message, you can use "-useoffice 1" and "-useprinter" options to convert your complicated Word documents containing tables to PDF files properly, please refer to following command lines,

Doc2any.exe -useoffice 1 -useprinter C:\test.doc C:\out.pdf


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DOC to Any Converter

I want convert a doc/docx to html and html back to doc and docx formats

Hello, I am looking for a product that will convert a doc/docx to html and then the htm ver back to doc. Or docx format do you have something that will do both things?

Please download VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter from following web page to try, VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter is able to convert from DOC/DOCX formats to HTML format, it can also convert HTML format back to DOC and DOCX formats,

for example,

doc2any.exe C:\test.doc C:\out.html
doc2any.exe C:\test.html C:\out.doc


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DOC to Any Converter

I need the help file or link for VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter

Also I need the help file  or link for VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter
Thanks for your message, please refer to the useful links for doc2any Converter product at below,

you can also refer to more issues about doc to any converter from following web page, you can found almost all answers about doc2any Converter at this Knowledge Base,


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DOC to Any Converter

doc2any with the “-checkpwd” option

using doc2any with the "-checkpwd" option we can avoid hanging on the GUI if there is a password on the file; however, the program gives no output indicating that this is why the program failed to convert the document.  Is there any way to know that this is why the conversion failed?  Is there any way that you could add some text on stderr to tell us that this is why it failed?  We're trying to report back to the end-user that the file contained a password... but right now there's no way to distinguish that type of "failure" from any other failure to convert the document.
Please add "-debug" parameter to your command line options, "-debug" parameter will print more detaled information to console, for example,

Doc2any.exe -debug -checkpwd C:\test.doc C:\out.pdf


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