XFA Specification
Chapter 20, Source Set Specification
Source Set Element Reference
The source element
This element describes a database or some other external data source/sink.
The source element is used within the following other elements:
The bind child
Associates an item of data from the database with a node in the Data DOM
For more information see "The
The command child
A command to the database.
For more information see "The
The connect property
This element controls a connection to a database.
For more information see "The
The id property
A unique identifier that may be used to identify this element as a target.
The name property
An identifier that may be used to identify this element in script expressions.
The use property
Invokes another object in the same document as a prototype for this object. The content of this property is
either a SOM expression (which cannot start with '#') or a '#' character followed by an XML ID.
Starting with XFA 2.4 the object used as a prototype no longer needs to be the child of
. Any object
of the appropriate class can be used as a prototype.