XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
The signing element
A collection of signing certificates that are acceptable for use in affixing an XML digital signature.
The signing element is used within the following other elements:
certificates proto
The handler uses the certificates in this element to populate the default list certificates from which the
signor can choose.
The certificate child
An element that holds a suitable Base64 DER-encoded X.509v3 certificate.
For more information see "The
certificate element".
The id property
A unique identifier that may be used to identify this element as a target.
The type property
Specifies whether the values provided in the element should be treated as a restrictive or non-restrictive
The values provided in the element are optional seed values from which the XFA processing
application may choose. The XFA processing application may also supply its own value. The
application typically allows a person filling out the form to choose from the values provided or to
specify his own value.
The values provided in the element are seed values from which the XFA processing application
must choose. The application typically allows a person filling out the form to choose from only
those values provided in the element.
The use property
Invokes another object in the same document as a prototype for this object. The content of this property is
either a SOM expression (which cannot start with '#') or a '#' character followed by an XML ID.
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