XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
The issuers child
A collection of issuer certificates that are acceptable for data signing an XML digital signature.
For more information see "The
The items child
An element that supplies a set of values for a choice list or a check button.
For more information see "The
The keep child
An element that describes the constraints on keeping subforms together within a page or content area.
For more information see "The
The line child
For more information see "The
The linear child
For more information see "The
The manifest child
An element that contains a list of references to all the nodes that are included in a node collection.
For more information see "The
The margin child
box model
element that specifies one or more insets for an object.
For more information see "The
The medium child
An element that describes a physical medium upon which to render. Some hybrid paper/glass media, such
as PDF, may require both paper and glass properties.
For more information see "The
The message child
and calculations.
For more information see "The
The numericEdit child
user interface