XFA Specification
Chapter 15, Template Specification
Template Reference
Usually a check box is presented as a rectangle that contains a check mark when it is selected and is empty
when deselected. However a check box can have three states, often represented by a check mark, a cross,
and emptiness. A radio button can only have two states, which are often presented as a circle that is filled
(or "illuminated") when the button is selected and empty when deselected.
A field with a checkBox user interface can have at most one items child. The items list can have at most
three values. The first value in the list is the "on" value, that is the value taken when the button or box is
selected. If there is a second value, it is the "off" value, that is the value taken when the button or box is
deselected. If there is a third value, it is the "neutral" value, that is the value taken when the check box is
empty. If a third value is provided for a radio button it is ignored. When the second or third value is not
provided it defaults to the null string.
The boolean child
element describing single unit of data content representing a Boolean logical value.
For more information see "The
boolean element".
The date child
element that describes a single unit of data content representing a date.
For more information see "The
date element".
The dateTime child
element that describes a single unit of data content representing a date and time value.
For more information see "The
dateTime element".
The decimal child
content type
element that describes a single unit of data content representing a number with a fixed
number of digits after the decimal.
For more information see "The
decimal element".
The exData child
element that describes a single unit of data of a foreign datatype.
For more information see "The
exData element".
The float child
element that describes a single unit of data content representing a floating point value.
For more information see "The
float element".
The id property
A unique identifier that may be used to identify this element as a target.
The image child
element that describes a single image.
For more information see "The
image element".
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